API Docs for: 3.11.0-git

File: src/sm-editor/js/extensions/editor-format.js

/*jshint expr:true, onevar:false */

Provides the `Editor.Format` extension.

@module gallery-sm-editor
@submodule gallery-sm-editor-format

Extension for `Editor.Base` that provides formatting support for editor output

@class Editor.Format
@extends Base
@extensionfor Editor.Base

(function () {

var doc = Y.config.doc,
    EDOM = Y.Editor.DOM,
    STYLENODE = '<span></span>';

var EditorFormat = Y.Base.create('editorFormat', Y.Base, [], {
    // -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------

    // -- Lifecycle ------------------------------------------------------------

    initializer: function () {
        this.supportedStyles = [];

        Y.Object.each(this.styleCommands, function (cmd) {
        }, this);

    // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------

    Reformats html to the proper style

    TODO: put this in its own extension.  doesn't belong here.

    @method _formatHTML
    @param {HTML} html HTML string to format
    @return {Node} Node instance containing a document fragment with the
        formatted _html_
    _formatHTML: function (html) {
        function flatten (node) {
            var childNodes = node.get('childNodes')._nodes;

            Y.Array.each(childNodes.reverse(), function (node) {
                var parentNode;

                node = Y.one(node);
                parentNode = node.get('parentNode');

                if (EDOM.isTextNode(node)) {
                    if (this._isBlockNode(parentNode)) {
                    } else if (node.get('previousSibling')) {
                        EDOM.split(parentNode, node);
                } else {
                    // TODO: replace b, em, i, strong, u nodes with spans
                    if (!node.test(this.supportedTags)) {
                    } else if (!this._isBlockNode(parentNode) && !parentNode.test('a')) {
                        parentNode.insert(node, 'after');

                        if (!this._isBlockNode(node)) {

                            EDOM.copyStyles(parentNode, node, this.supportedStyles, {
                                explicit: true,
                                overwrite: false
                    } else {
                        // TODO: clear styles on containers

                    flatten.call(this, node);

                    if (EDOM.isEmptyNode(node)) {

            }, this);

        var frag = Y.one(doc.createDocumentFragment()).setHTML(html);

        flatten.call(this, frag);

        return frag;

    Getter for the `html` attribute.

    @method _getHTML
    @param {HTML} value HTML.
    @return {HTML} HTML.
    _getHTML: function (value) {
        value = Y.Editor.Base.prototype._getHTML.call(this, value);

        return this.get('formatFn')(value).getHTML();

    Returns true if the given node is a container element, false otherwise
    A container element is defined as a non-inline element

    @method _isBlockNode
    @param {HTMLNode|Node} node
    @return {Boolean} true if the given node is a container element, false otherwise
    _isBlockNode: function (node) {
        node = Y.one(node);

        // isElementNode() will exclude document fragments, which are valid
        // containers, use !isTextNode() instead
        return !EDOM.isTextNode(node) && (node.get('nodeName') === '#document-fragment' || node.test(this.blockTags));

    Returns true if the given node is an inline element node, false otherwise

    @method _isStyleNode
    @param {HTMLNode|Node} node
    @return {Boolean} true if the given node is an inline element node, false otherwise
    _isStyleNode: function (node) {
        node = Y.one(node);

        return node && !EDOM.isTextNode(node) && node.test(this.styleTags);

    Setter for the `html` attribute.

    @method _setHTML
    @param {HTML} value HTML.
    @return {HTML} HTML.
    _setHTML: function (value) {
        value = this.get('formatFn')(value).getHTML();

        return Y.Editor.Base.prototype._setHTML.call(this, value);
}, {
    ATTRS: {
        Function for formatting editor html

        One day allow custom formatting. Today is not that day.

        @attribute {Function}
        formatFn: {
            readOnly: true,
            setter: function (val) {
                return Y.bind(val, this);
            validator: Y.Lang.isFunction,
            valueFn: function () {
                return this._formatHTML;

Y.namespace('Editor').Format = EditorFormat;
